Just thought I'd drop by with a quick update, as I just was notified that my Amethyst Wizard won october month's Knights of the Brush competition!
This means that I get to choose the miniature we'll be painting this month, and I've choosen this chap: The (relativly) new plastic Chaos Sorcerer Lord. As you can see, I've started on a dark-red colour scheme, which in the end will mark him off as a sorcerer devoted to the Lore of Fire.
The Witches Hovel - Miniature Wargames issue 503
The latest issue of *Miniature Wargames* (issue 503 March 2025) features
this *Witches Hovel* converted and painted by me. The MDF kit was bought
from T...
Hob Ork
Really, Who don't like ORKS?
Let me introduce you this little 30mm Ork I painted as commission past year.
An amazing miniature, custom printed (do not kn...
The making of 'Drama in the Dungeon'!
I finished up my largest framed diorama to date a while back and I thought
it would be fun to show how the whole thing was built.
First here's the fin...
Turnip28 - 5th Deathcap Line Infantry 2
Let's kick off the first post of 2025, with a gaggle of vegetable-infused
I've completed my first batch of Turnip28 fodder for my wee force. Th...
New Year 2025
Happy New Year!
A couple of quick updates.
First off, my goal for a vampiric Deadcember was a pretty big flop. But I
did get this lovely couple and their...
More Little boats: Poleacre and America's
A polacca through it's first stages before basing, priming, and painting.
A little houy.
I finished assembling and rigging a few more ships including a lit...
Brushes of the Underworlds: Final Check
Initial disclaimer! We have to apologize… because even though the campaign
ended a while ago, we got distracted by other things and we forgot to
publish ...
How I potentially ruined an expensive model!
I'm definitely back on the grind of the Troll Horde, this time with
something BIG.
It all started when I went to order a Troll Hag from GW and they were ou...
Cave trolls
Deep in the darkest, dankest caverns and caves, they live. Their eyes are
almost useless after decades of darkness, their skin has almost calcified
in the ...
Looking for Mordheim Figures
Been bitten by the Mordheim bug and have been painting up various warbands
to run on my table (which is progressing).
I am very interested in picking ...
Adeptus Titanicus
When I first started collecting miniatures, Games Workshop had two scales
for their Warhammer 40,000 universe- there was their normal gaming scale
(about 2...
Clear Bases
I wanted to showcase some miniatures for Gloomhaven that I painted as a
commission. The goal was to replicate the character art and I'm pretty
happy wi...
X-Wing Report - Epic Battle
Here is a battle report/review of my first game of epic. Generally speaking
I think that epic is now my preferred format for X-Wing. It feels much more
Underworlds Eyes of the Nine
Another warband painted up for Warhammer Underworlds. These guys were a
combination of contrast paints and standard methods to get a decent outcome
in a r...
Legends of the High Seas Resources
Legends of the High Seas cover Just a short update: After a recent request
I have just uploaded some old resources for *Legends of the High Seas* to
the ...
Point Hammered Patreon Model #2: JSA Kuge Delegate
I'm not going to say it didn't take forever to get it done, but here it is.
Note that Ryan did not want it based. He wants to base it himself to match
the ...
Necromunda Bounty Hunter
So while the picture shows off the Bounty Hunter I just painted it is also
an experiment with getting a better background for photographing my
Gencon 2018 Photo Dump: Venue & Exhibits
*by SandWyrm*
I spent much of my time at Gencon this year testing my own game, but I did
get some nice pictures of the costumes, products, and other cool ...
I have so much to show you guys... I've been working so hard! More soon
about my own stuff...
But for today I wanted to talk about the Nova Open Charitabl...
Summer sculpting workshop in Milan
Hey guys!
I just wanted to announce my next summer weekend workshop :-).
I will b...
Imperial Guard get their first run
Took what will eventually be my Cadian 317th Regiment "The Lost and
Forlorn" out for their first game last night. Went up against a fun
Genestealer cult l...
Cult of Slaanesh - Dark Elf Sorceress
I did this conversion quite some time ago and have looked forward to
painting it ever since - but never gotten around to it until now. I know
dark elves ar...
Weekly updates - #13-16 (Dog Bowl VI)
Nothing to see here. Haven't spent any time playing games or
painting/assembling/converting minis. Take a look at this sad scene from my
dusty work sp...
I am writing a BOOK!
That's right, fellow blog fans! I've decided to write a book about painting
wargaming collections. It will be going to Kickstarter this *Friday, March
Heavy Variant Dreadknight
This project is another batch of Dreadknights, my favourite to date. Done
in the same manner as the Original Dreadknight Project, these were done
with an e...
Hobby Project Debate
Now that I've detoxed from Adepticon for awhile I have been dabbling in a
little painting. I'm debating on what my next projects will be. Here's
my "sho...
Had a spare day to play with some toys!
Well, play.. I'm still here, still alive, and still working 60+ hour weeks.
so while i'm getting a little gaming in on my PC (played a little for Honor
See you at Pigment Pirates Hamburg
Guten morgen Maler aus aller Welt,
Ich habe lange überlegt wie ich es schreiben soll aber ich möchte es kurz
und informativ halte:
Weil viele von u...
Warhammer Quest: Knight Questor WIP Pt2
The Knight Questor is almost finished. With just his sword, cloak and hair
to be painted along with some final touches he should be done very soon.
Royal Birth is coming to Monsterpalooza!
Royal Birth is coming to Monsterpalooza this weekend!
Sculpted by William Paquet!
Available at Artist Proof Studio Table Number 22
WoC: Lord of Khorne on Juggernaut
Lord of Khorne on Juggernaut Components : 1 Head of old champion of Khorne
on foot with the arch of Lylyth, Shadow of Everblight (Privateer Press –
Legion ...
1/19/16: Good Golly, I Forgot I have a Blog!
Howdy folks!
This is easily my worst period without a post over here! Those of you who
follow me on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram know that I haven't be...
WIP-REVIEW: More scenery for Robotech!
First update of this year!
I've been building the scenery sets from 4Ground I have so far:
Primera actualización del año!
He estado armando los sets de escen...
All in with Kings of War
I've fully embraced KoW. I'm starting to rebase all my Warhammer models
onto KoW multi basing.
For the multi bases I use steel flat metal trays from
I have seen that I did not post for more than a year, seems that I have
switched to facebook to reach more people. so you can follow me on facebook or
Back from Scale Model Challenge 2015
Back from Scale Model Challenge! I didn't take part in the competition this
year and due to circumstances I only visited briefly in the afternoon, so
it wa...
Arkan Thesh reporting for duty!
Got this guy all finished up. He is my first completed Wrath of Kings fig.
While I don't think I did a super stellar job, I think he'll do just fine
for t...
Age of Sigmar's Rumor.
So a wall of text of rumor popped up on the internet the past few hours,
with loads of rumors on the next Fantasy Edition. Here is a break down, and
Maelstrom's Edge
Over the last couple of years, hobby time has been at a premium, and what
time I've had has been dedicated to a project that I can say I'm very
excited ...
Warriors of Chaos Khorne Lord - End Times (Part 4)
[image: Warhammer - The End Times Khorne Banner]
A short post this one. Really just to prove that I have been continuing to
work on this project and even ...
750 Brettonians v DoC
Space Monkey was on vacation so we decided to sneak in a small game last
Wednesday. He came over with his DoC and, having played WoC, Goblins, and
Dwarfs r...
A Christmas Fantasy Campaign
Next month, I'll be heading back to the UK for the 1st time in nearly 2
years. Me and my brother Matt have been talking about arranging some games
of W...
Pruning and so on...
Okay, hello to the inmates of the Asylum old and (surprisingly) new.
Obviously it's been a vast while since I posted on here and this isn't
really a post o...
Hi Guys
I know its been a very long while but I have had the stress of work and
just no time to do anything worthwhile with my painting. Until over the
Osnova Solutions announcing new product release
London, UK. – October 13, 2014 - Osnova Solutions is a dynamic, growing
company with a mission to significantly improve the way scientific and
analytic com...
El Chupacabra - "Planes"
This fine fellow is El Chupacabra from the "Planes" movie, built with the
Zvezda snap-fit kit.
The kit comes with simple solid color plastic compone...
Warhammer Fantasy Battle Database Update
Current edition army books only filter, 5,000 searchable battles archive,
double batrep notes and more exclusive member accolades.
Hi folks, I've been twe...
Master Engineer [WIP]
In all the years I have been playing Dwarfs, this is one hero that I have
never actually had a painted model for, or even used. I honestly don't
know wh...
Ogre update
I'm more or less happy with the progress so far. I realized after i
started painting him that he has an eagle brand on his forehead too. I
green stuffed t...
Just a shy attempt
*After such a long break in posting I nearly feel I should introduce myself
*So I seem to be the same Ańa... still a red-haired girl with glasses and a...
One more Centurion is ready to blast the enemies of mankind to
smithereens. I really like the Stormlords Project so far, that's why I will
spend more time...
Building the Gundam - 08
Despite having jumped the gun a bit and assembled the wings... I can't put
them on the Gundam without the harness, so that took priority.
The Gundam ha...
Aphid barker - Assembly
Here's the assembly guide for Aphid loader Barker, from the wave 2
Kickstarter miniatures.
This is quite a complex miniature to assemble, definitely the mo...
Various models for Mantic Games
Wow, it's been a while since we've updated the blog, as those who also
follow our Facebook page can probably tell. Bit of an image fest with this
post s...
A farewell and new blog.
Hey guys. As you can tell, I've more or less abandoned this blog with a
case of burn out and being super busy. After Adepticon I am diving back
into semi r...
Orc boar boyz - the boss
Finally, the boss of the unit. The boarboyz are taking more and more shape.
I'm a great fan of back banners, I honestly don't know why. Maybe it's
If you are seeing this, it's because you're looking at
*WarpstonePile.Blogspot.com*. Cut that out! The Blogger incarnation of
2500 pts O&G Swedish Comp 11-12
There is a tournament coming up in the middle of April that I shall be
attending. This will mark the first full-scale tournament that features the
Swedish ...
Happy new year and 2013 Resolutions
Happy new year dear Readers...
2012 is over and it was a really uneventful year for me in terms of
blogging and painting. While I played some games, boug...
To anyone visiting this site, please click HERE to see my new website. The
mangoandpineapple blog will soon be wiped off the face of the...interwebs
:p Hap...
Review: Platformer Terrain System
Hey guys, recently I got a nice box full of toys from Wayland Games and
thought I could write up a review article about one of said toys – the
Platformer C...
Puppet wars.
Below are some rough pictures of the puppet wars models.
They are based on the characters from Wyrds Malifaux game.
I mass painted 40 minis so that I could...
Eldar Warlock WiP.
Okay, it’s almost Friday and I’ve found some time to take a picture of
Warlock that I have been painting on for the past week. Just something
that’s been...
15mm fortifications
First off apologies for the lack of posts, family and work have taken
priority as you would expect.
However I recently arranged a game using a Sturmkompanie...
Iron Hands - Pre-Heresy List
So I've been busy this week working on my Pre-Heresy army. I decided that I
would sit down and right a starting list for a campaign I will hopefully be
Time to get Squared Away..
It's funny how time passes by..and how quickly motivation and creativity
comes and goes..! The past 8-10 days or so is the first time in years that
that I ...
Strakhov's best friend...
I meant to get this guy finished up for the Lost Hemisphere Blog "Paint the
target" in June, but it just didn't happen. Actually,...
Assignment for the class of Alex van Utrecht
This assignment will consist of several video links each accompanied with
some questions.
click the link and do the assignments.
Miniatures Gallery
Well, I've loaded all of my current miniatures onto Picasa. Here are the
Sons Of Prospero Chapter: SoP Marines
Bases: All those lovely bases
Sculpting Spirit Stones
Hey there folks! There's been a few recent inquiries about how to sculpt
Spirit Stones. Thing is, there's no "right" way, only whatever works best
for you ...
Wetting the Brush – Great Eagle
This past week I was able to finish up my 1st Great Eagle for the High Elf
forces. Last week he got based, and now he’s all finished up. Anyhow, I
really l...
Hi all,
in two weeks my PhD will be finished and I celebrate the late summer and
fall with some workshops I offer here in Germany. Two Workshops are ready
The Tormented...
Here are my first dipped models, the unit of 5 forsaken.
Again, pretty happy with the result. They seems to have pho...
Many moons ago I used to play role-playing games and one of my favourites
was the Star Wars D6 system. The universe was so well known that it was
easy to g...
Back to the Night Goblins-- PILEDRIVER!
Because I'll be fielding a lone troll, he needs to look awesome... and the
BFSP troll doesn't look awesome... I feel like having him piledrive the
Age of the Emperor - last minute job!
6 months passes us by and I find myself rushing once more to complete
another new army for an event. I began the journey with intentions of
taking Dark Mec...
League Ghouls
I recently signed up for the Painted League taking place at Sci-Fi Genre.
It's pretty much just a fun league to get you to paint your models up. The
I’m working on turning some doodles into stamps. I’m still a beginner at
stamp carving. But even crude carving has a certain charm to it. At least
Life and Love Travel - Part Un
"Travel is the only thing you buy that makes you richer".
It's hard to believe that i havent posted about this subject yet ! There's
nothing more inspiring...
Red and the Wolf
I promise to start posting new tutorials as soon as I am caught up on
commissions and the pile of figures sitting here waiting to be finished.
Until the...
A good start, I like the blending on the cloak.